Twitter Email Scraper

Scrape emails from your target audience on Twitter

Find emails from any audience or niche on Twitter to build highly targeted lead lists that get more replies.

✓ Get first 10 emails free

✓ No credit card required

Trusted by 1800+ businesses to scale outbound sales

TweetScraper gets you hyper-targeted emails for your cold outreach

Higher deliverability

More opens

More replies

More sales

Scrape emails on autopilot 🚀

From your competitors to the top influencers in your niche you can easily scrape any audience on Twitter for emails.


Scrape any user

• Followers

• Following


Scrape any tweet

• Likes

• Retweets


Scrape any list

• List members

• and more!

How it works

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Find a user or tweet in the niche you're targeting

Start scraping the followers, following, & more

Get your verified email list

Easily import leads onto any sending tool or ad platform

“TweetScraper has been a gamechanger for our email outreach - we've seen amazing results for our client's campaigns & it has allowed us to get data that we previously thought was impossible. 100% Recommend.”

Matt Lucero


"A lot of people fail with cold email because they use leads that have been scraped a million times over. Scraping Twitter gets you untouched lead lists. Getting a 79.5% open rate and 15.5% reply rate with TweetScraper."

Kidous Mahteme


“Just upgraded my plan. Tool is incredible, used it to create a lookalike audience on Facebook - Acquired 66 SaaS clients for $7 each.”

Tye Howatt

Creative Director

“This is an amazing new way for lead generation that is way more efficient and productive than other tools because it leads you directly to the audiences of your dream customers. I couldn't be happier to have found TweetScraper!"

Elena Nikiforia


“TweetScraper lets you get creative and scrape audiences no one else is emailing. Plus, the customer service is next level!”

Martin Adey


TweetScraper got me a 23% response rate compared to 5% with everything else being exactly the same. Just the fact that these inboxes are generally less-crowded makes it a no-brainer option.”

Harvey Harris


Click to view more testimonials

Simple, flexible pricing.

Only pay for verified emails. Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at anytime.



1000 email credits

Email verification

Credits roll-over

Export contacts to CSV

No charge for duplicates



5000 email credits

Email verification

Credits roll-over

Export contacts to CSV

No charge for duplicates



20,000 email credits

Email verification

Credits roll-over

Export contacts to CSV

No charge for duplicates

⚡️ Need more? Larger plans available in app

Have questions?

We have answers.

Send any questions to

How long does it take to scrape the emails?

This depends on the account you’re scraping and the amount of emails you’re scraping for. You can scrape anywhere from 1k to over 100k in one day.

Are all emails verified?

Yes each email scraped is verified for deliverability. If it's not valid we don't include it.

What is your refund policy?

If TweetScraper doesn't work for you, we will fully refund you.

Do I need to connect my Twitter account?

Nope, we take care of it all without you needing to use any Twitter account or proxies.

What type of emails are scraped?

In app you have the option to choose between personal emails (@gmail, @outlook, etc) or business emails (

Can I try it out for free first?

Yes we give you 10 free credits to scrape your first 10 emails when you sign up.

Get started for free

Scrape your first emails today.